Matters of the Heart
Team Humanity would like to introduce you to Gena. Gena is a busy Account Executive, wife and; most importantly Mama to two active, rambunctious elementary age children-a role she was born to do. “Turbo” as some people call her describes Gena perfectly; a go-getter, one who never sits down, full of energy and spirit, ready to take on the day and every challenge that comes her way.
Gena is also pure of heart. She puts others’ needs before her own. She truly has an empathetic ear. She leans in when someone is talking to her and listens. She engages in their story and is there to offer assistance-whether that is a hug, a meal or well thought out advice.
Gena is also concerned about the environment. She was raised to appreciate and protect the natural world. Gena and her husband are raising their children to be critical thinking, sustainability-minded, lovers and stewards of the outdoors. Gena has an app on her phone that the kids use to identify the species of flora and fauna. During a naturalist-guided boat trip on the lower Mississippi River last summer the kids learned about the recent history of the American Bald Eagle.
Gena is teaching her kids many valuable lessons.
-to embrace each day with joy
-to be thankful each morning for the opportunity to work, play and rest with those that you respect and love
-to work hard and be authentic and genuine in all things
-to lean in when things get tough and not give up
-to look out for your neighbors and friends
-to protect our planet and all of its creation
In the spring of 2021 Gena was blindsided by her vaccine injury. Having planned her career, home and family very carefully; Gena assumed she would be the “turbo” mom running around with her kids outside. Always having the energy to take them skating and skiing; teaching them how to build snowmen; going to the pool and exploring the local nature trails.
Gena was hesitant to get vaccinated herself, but felt like it was the right thing to do to protect her family and others. Her heart was giving her mixed messages. It didn’t feel like the best choice for her; however, it felt like the kind-hearted considerate choice to make.
The day after her first shot Gena felt light, but persistent heart palpitations in her chest for 5 days. Not having ever experienced any health issues in the past, let alone heart symptoms; she could only describe it as “fluttering”. Gena remembered that it had been mentioned as one of the stranger side effects of these new injections so she continued on with her busy life.
3 weeks later Gena had her second shot and that very same evening her life completely changed. Gena woke up in the middle of the night and had this overwhelming feeling, remnants of a dream perhaps, a voice telling her she was in danger. Her body was shaking uncontrollably. The tremors were so intense that she was moving her king size mattress and bedframe.
The night continued and by the morning Gena’s heart was sending her big, loud messages, more like warnings. It wasn’t just fluttering anymore. Gena suffered from stronger palpitations, shortness of breath, and a burning and tingling feeling in her skin. Her arms were restless, as if she didn’t have control of her movements. Eventually, Gena began to feel dizzy, and had squeezing and pounding pain in her heart. She struggled with her words, and felt she was losing control of her muscles and limbs. Her husband called their clinic’s nurseline and was directed to immediately call an ambulance or to get in the car and drive the 1.9 miles to the hospital.
COVID-era hospital protocols in place, Gena was alone in the ER where the staff co-miserated with her for several hours sharing in the obvious knowledge that this was a terrible, but unknown reaction to what had been hoped to be a safe vaccine. They were afraid to discharge her and had exhausted all of their tests and treatments. It was Friday night and time to be admitted to the hospital for the weekend. They gave Gena the option to go home for rest and supervision and to follow-up with a Cardiologist first thing the next week.
Opting to go home, Gena’s husband and her kids picked her up from the hospital and brought her a “special flower”. It was special because they had been waiting nearby hoping she could come home and had picked it during their after school picnic with Dad. He had been trying to keep things normal despite the change in routine and Gena’s health scare. They knew their mom would love the flower and using her Naturalist app to identify its species. Gena’s kids were already listening and instigating her lessons-to look out for others, to make them feel special.
Gena followed up with a Cardiologist, and after many more tests was ultimately diagnosed with premature ventricular contractions, premature atrial contractions, cardiac inflammation, mitral valve regurgitation, and irregular T waves.
Gena was frightened. How could her heart, her life giving force, her compass be failing her? Just two years prior to her vaccines Gena had a physical and her doctor told her that she, “had the heart of a 20 year old”. And, now Gena was diagnosed with congestive heart failure.
Gena eventually had to wear a heart rate monitor, which was very scary for her young children to see their vivacious, energizer like bunny mom confined to her bed and hooked up to a monitor. Gena needed to be honest with her children, but also to preserve their innocence. She maintained a positive attitude; and playfully reassured her pre-K daughter that the heart rate monitor was a, “butterfly counter counting the number of butterflies in mommy’s chest.”
This was a very lonely time for Gena. She knew the vaccine had injured her and caused all of her heart problems. However, she felt she couldn’t talk about it. Was she the only one suffering? She couldn’t find any stories on the news or in the local paper. She struggled to keep things normal, professional and positive for her family and career. She wanted to warn others, but how?
At this same time Suzanna (our first Team Humanity story) had started a Team Humanity Facebook group. Suzanna was connecting with other vaccine injured Minnesotans-showing them compassion, listening to their stories, sharing her own story; and building a support system. Whether fortuitous or by fate, Gena saw a mutual friend’s comment to one of Suzanna’s social media posts. Gena sent a message to Suzanna and Suzanna connected with her that very same night. Even though Gena’s heart was aching and erratic, Gena immediately felt love and hope emanating from her chest when she connected with Suzanna.
Team Humanity became a life saver for Gena. She tapped into her warm-hearted Mama Bear spirit and created a safe space for the other injured to share their hardships and struggles. Team Humanity was a gift to Gena and Gena is a gift to Team Humanity. As she started to make these connections she could feel that her compass, the compassionate, willing to fight for humanity part of her heart was not injured.
Through Team Humanity and Suzanna Gena was given the opportunity to participate in advocacy efforts. Gena and her fellow Minnesotans met with Governor Walz’s team in December of 2021 and asked for a pause in COVID shots for children. They also proposed using the budget surplus to help the already thousands of injured and hundreds of bereaved Minnesotans as reported to VAERS as of December 17, 2021.
Months later, in April 2022, Gena participated in a Minnesota press room discussion. She shared her experience of heart damage and unexplained reproductive changes. Gena and her injured friends wanted to make sure that no one else would suffer like they were suffering.
In January of 2023 Gena spoke at the capitol rotunda about her vaccine injury.
Here is a link to the news coverage:
Gena also volunteered at the Minnesota premier of the movie Anecdotals.
What is life like today for Gena? She has her ups and downs. She still has her career, her kids, and her husband who bring her so much joy. She loves watching them play hockey, explore the outdoors, and spending time snuggling and reading together. She joins them in the fun, but Turbo - for now - has learned to slow down, take rests, and give and ask for grace.
Unfortunately, Gena has had a setback the last few months. Her heart now often feels like it is popping in her chest and she has developed severe arthritis. However, Gena is staying positive. She is dedicated to her health and a long future. She is focused on continuing a healthy, organic lifestyle and using a lot of new therapies to heal her body. Red light therapy, her infrared sauna, an Avacen Machine, and bioresonance is helping. Her heart still hurts for the growing group of injured friends.
Gena also has her second family, Team Humanity. Our logo is a purple heart. Why purple? It is the intersection of blue and red-bringing people from all walks of life together with one goal. Team Humanity is a place for the injured and the non-injured to gather, to connect, to support, to provide hope and compassion for all of humanity. We are the light where there is darkness
All stories are edited and approved by the participant before the story is published.
I am so glad Gena found support. However, she has a difficult road ahead that she does not deserve and cannot opt out of. Is there a way to help either Gena or the cause at large? This has to stop.
I love how I learn so much about each of my TH friends through this Substack journey. Gena, your beauty and grace shows up everywhere you are. I am so thankful to know more about you and to be known by you. Your big, beautiful heart will heal and we will walk side by side every step of the way. You are loved my friend!