Team Humanity
Stories of the Supporters, Substack Post #26
Team Humanity has been posting the true stories of the vaccine injured in Minnesota for the last 14 months. Our stories have included injuries of sons, mothers, daughters, fathers, teachers, a bus driver, corporate executives, a quilter, a pregnant mother, a college athlete, a national guard member, and a newly elected mayor. Our stories have been read tens of thousands of times, shared with legislatures, and been featured on national podcasts.
Today’s post is about our supporters. We would like to highlight the non-injured who have felt the call to compassionately help those who have been injured. This choice to help, to step into this sensitive and dividing topic has only brought all of us, the supporters, a multitude of blessings. Choosing to lean into the sufferings of the vaccine injured have taught us many lessons about empathy, true friendship, and how to heal the divide that is plaguing our nation.
If this is your first time reading Team Humanity we would like to provide a little background on who we are and how Team Humanity was started. If you are familiar with Team Humanity please scroll down to find our supporter stories.
We are a grassroots, nonpartisan group of individuals who include Minnesotans who have been harmed by the Covid vaccine; and those who have not been harmed and have been called to help.
We acknowledge that the Covid vaccine injured are real people. Real people who had a life filled with travel, work, friends, and loved ones before they were injured. A life that existed outside of their house, their bed and their pain.
Somehow in the midst of all that has happened in the last few years people who have been injured from Covid vaccines have become “acceptable collateral damage”. Their stories have been censored and those affected have been stuck in the shadows, unable to see the light, unable to find hope and help in such a broken world.
When did this become ok?
How is this ok?
Team Humanity believes that we are called to speak for the weak and the voiceless, the injured. We are called to tell our stories, gather those who are struggling, and offer them hope and help. We are called to pull those who are stuck in the shadows and darkness into the light.
A wise friend told us two years ago that the more you share your story and connect with others who are in a similar situation; the more your journey opens up opportunities to heal your broken body, mind and spirit.
This is why Team Humanity has been sharing the stories of the Covid vaccine injured.
We have discovered over the last 3 years that sharing stories gives our injured friends hope. It makes them feel like they matter, their life matters and that people care about them.
Our first story was about Suzanna, who fearlessly started Team Humanity.
Prior to receiving her vaccine Suzanna was a triathlete, an active mom, and a vice president at a top bank. She also participated in the MS 150 bike ride to support fellow Minnesotans suffering from this debilitating disease. Suzanna was physically active; and was always looking out for those in need!
After Suzanna’s second Covid vaccine her life completely changed. She has been diagnosed with a multitude of neurological, rheumatological, and cardiac issues by her doctors including small fiber polyneuropathy and POTS.
At first Suzanna felt like she was the only one who was injured from her Covid vaccine. She had learned firsthand how hard it was to find doctors and other health practitioners who would acknowledge her injury and provide therapeutics to help her heal. She was desperate to find others like her. Others who were struggling to get out of bed in the morning; to climb their way out of the intense pain, debilitating fatigue and extreme brain fog. Others who couldn’t stand for more than a few minutes without their heart racing.
In her distress Suzanna turned to Facebook and started searching for other injured Minnesotans who she could tell her story to and recommend therapies and doctors that were helping her. Everytime Suzanna shared her story she felt a little hope take over the desolation, the loneliness, the isolation. This hope gave her the fortitude to wake up each morning and to keep searching for a cure.
Suzanna realized that sharing her story was powerful. No one can take your story from you. It is yours to tell. It is your truth, your reality. She wanted all of the injured to have this opportunity to share their story, connect with others, and find hope.
On October 23, 2021 Suzanna decided to go BIG and share her story at top of the St Paul capitol to 1000’s of people. It was truly an act of bravery-putting herself and her story out there. Please watch the video below to witness Suzanna’s fearlessness.
While preparing for this speech it occurred to Suzanna that her vaccine injury wasn’t a political issue. It was a humanity issue. It doesn’t matter if you vote blue or red-it matters that you are a human. And, humans take care of each other. Suzanna realized that she, too, could be a friend to the countless injured here in Minnesota. Out of this act of courage Team Humanity was born.
Team Humanity has chronicled our stories on Substack. One of the first injured Minnesotans Suzanna met was Kristie. It is a great story…an accidental meeting on the Mississippi.
“Suzanna was the first person who understood exactly what I was feeling and knew how I was hurting. She had the same questions as me. Both wondering why? And, what comes next? They commiserated about their pain, immobility, and the complete 180 that happened in their lives. Prior to their injuries both Kristie and Suzanna were strong, fit, energetic and healthy women who loved to move. Now they were chronically fatigued, disabled and weak.”
In addition to our advocacy roles and befriending the injured last December we helped to sponsor the Minnesota and Wisconsin premiers of the movie Anecdotals, produced and directed by Jennifer Sharp. “Anecdotals is a compassionate exploration of the nuanced vaccine debate. While the vaccine debate grows more divided, those with adverse reactions get stuck in the middle.”
Our first supporter, Lorri:
During the spring of 2022 Suzanna connected with a new friend, Lorri. After health issues had affected her family Lorri felt a calling to become a friend and advocate for people who were suffering from vaccine injuries.
Lorri reached out to Suzanna with one simple request-she wanted to help Suzanna.
Lorri had no idea what she could do to help Suzanna; but she knew she had to show up in her life. Suzanna and Lorri started communicating weekly. They met for coffee, discussed Suzanna’s health issues, and together decided that they needed to start building a bigger community through sharing stories of the injured so people would not suffer alone.
Lorri and Suzanna’s friendship perfectly exemplifies Team Humanity-people coming together from different backgrounds with one goal in mind to share the stories of the vaccine injured.
One day in June of 2022 Lorri felt compelled to participate in the YMCA triathlon August 14th-the very same triathlon Suzanna used to compete in. Lorri “hired” Suzanna to be her trainer over the summer. On the day of the race Suzanna was there to cheer her on; and Lorri and Suzanna, in her wheelchair, crossed the finish line together. In the middle of Suzanna’s pain, brokenness, fear and anguish Lorri showed up. Lorri gave Suzanna hope and courage to continue fighting.
From this day forward Team Humanity has grown exponentially. We have connected with dozens of injured in Minnesota; and hundreds more both nationally and internationally. We have joined forces with national groups who share our same mission and goals. We have over 100 members. Half of them are supporters and half are those who have been injured.
On Sunday, August 13th, one year after Lorri’s first triathlon, Team Humanity participated in the annual YWCA triathlon. The same triathlon Suzanna raced in for 10 years before she was injured. The same triathlon Lorri and Suzanna finished together last year.
But, this year we had eleven competitors and a huge crowd of supporters with an undeniable purple presence.
Why did so many people who are not triathlon athletes choose to participate in a triathlon? Like Lorri we have all felt compelled to help. We could not sit on the sidelines anymore and watch our friends suffer in silence.
Stories of the Supporters:
Chris joined the Team Humanity triathlon team because she had met people who had been injured by the Covid vaccine. As a healthcare provider she saw first hand the effect from these vaccines on her patient population. This was Chris’s first triathlon.
“I hope the vaccine injured feel loved and heard, and that they know that there are people who care for them. The inability to talk freely has hurt many people. I want them to know that their concerns are valid, that their story and their struggles are real. I love that Team Humanity is not about “a shot”. It is simply about loving those who are hurt and joining together across many points of view in order to do this well.”
Jolene signed up to honor her husband and everyone who has been impacted negatively by the vaccine. She knew that racing in the triathlon in her purple Team Humanity t-shirt would bring awareness to what has happened. Jolene’s husband Brandon was injured after his Johnson and Johnson vaccine. Team Humanity featured his story last month. Here is a link to Brandon’s story:
Jolene’s biggest surprise from participating in the triathlon were the open conversations complete strangers wanted to have with her about vaccine injury. When Brandon was initially injured this was not the case. They felt like no one would listen to their concerns and struggled to find a doctor who would listen.
Jolene wants the vaccine injured to know:
“You are not collateral damage. You are the inspiration. Every battle you have been through, we are cheering you on. This race is FOR YOU!”
Jeanne chose to participate in the triathlon to support her best friend, Lorri, who has been supporting the vaccine injured since 2021. Lorri inspired Jeanne to follow in her friend’s footsteps.
“I want to give the injured a voice and a platform. To show the injured that there are supporters who empathize and take their stories seriously, and will help them be heard and gain resources for healing.”
Jeanne also enjoyed all the new friends she made training for the triathlon.
Jessica signed up for the triathlon to support her sister, Jolene, and Jolene’s husband, Brandon. She also signed up because she had a negative reaction to her Moderna shot 6 weeks postpartum. Jessica did not want to get vaccinated. She felt that there was not enough research on how the vaccine would affect her newborn since she was breastfeeding. She personally felt pressured by her midwife who took advantage of her during a stressful family time. Jessica wants everyone to know,
“that Team Humanity listens and supports everyone. They believe you, don’t make you feel bad about being forced, coerced or gaslighted for what you went through. Team Humanity let’s you speak your truth. They support you up and down, left and right, full circle.”
Jessica felt a huge weight lift off of her shoulders after finishing the triathlon. She felt loved, heard and not judged.
Jill’s sisters are Jolene and Jessica. She was willing to sign up for the race at the last minute when a spot opened up on our team because she wanted to honor her brother in law, Brandon, and all of the other vaccine injured. Jill willingly received the vaccine and subsequent boosters. However, she wants our readers to know,
“that she recognizes and supports those who chose not to get vaccinated; those who were forced to receive vaccines due to mandates; and acknowledges that adverse reactions occured from the Covid vaccines. Jill believes in the freedom of choice. She wears her purple Team Humanity t-shirt proudly.”
Tammy was introduced to Suzanna through Lorri. It was so hard for Tammy to hear how Suzanna had been this “stud athlete” and now was struggling to complete basic life tasks. Tammy was in right away. She could “tackle a triathlon in honor of Suzanna”. She wanted to bring awareness and a voice to those who were silently suffering.
Tammy’s message to the injured is,
“we see you, we hear you, we are praying for you, and we are competing for you to bring noise to the voiceless.”
Tammy crossed the finish line with her injured friend Gena. Gena’s story was featured on our Substack. Gena’s life took a 180 degree change after her second shot. She went from completely healthy to developing congestive heart failure.
After the race Tammy posted a video her son had made as he watched his mom compete in the triathlon. She was shocked, mad and sad when his video was censored and removed from her social media site.
“This whole stupid covid global rollout made me mad. I call it the Great Separator. This “vaccine” locked my family out of gatherings and drove wedges between us and family and neighbors. Having this opportunity to come together and rally strength in love for those who were vaccine injured made my heart full. Running this triathlon was a raw, outpouring. Weeping. Streaming. Leaking. All of it allowed me to reach new depths within. I would have never done a triathlon for myself, but for and with others standing together created a strong, purple wall of compassion and bravery. All who have been held back, held down and have held on, gives me fire in my veins.”
Kristin registered for the triathlon to bring hope to those who were vaccine injured. She wanted them to know that they are not alone; and to shed light on the fact there are thousands of people who have been injured.
After Kristin’s two Pfizer vaccines she has experienced cardiac issues.
The triathlon for Kristin was, “one of the most emotional and gratifying experiences she has ever had.”
She hopes the vaccine injured know,
“that they are seen and people DO believe that what they are going through is not something that is simply ‘anxiety’ or ‘couldn’t possibly be tied to the vaccine’. I want the vaccine injured to know that they are not alone and there are people who are willing to fight for them to get the care and the compensation they deserve.”
Nicole became involved with Team Humanity after her dad was killed due to the Covid hospital protocols. Team Humanity was one of the first groups to listen to her story, share in her grief, and try to provide a space for hope and healing. Nicole’s story has been chronicled on Alpha news:
Nicole is a warrior leading the charge on making sure these hospital protocols are never used again and those who followed them are held accountable.
Nicole planned on participating in the triathlon with us, but suffered from a knee injury. She was there to cheer us on the whole time and brought her family with her in purple Team Humanity t-shirts.
Hannah’s family suffered from a lot of trauma during the Covid lockdowns. Her boys were not allowed to attend full time in person schooling and subsequently struggled emotionally. Hannah chose not to vaccinate her boys because she had done a lot of research and did not feel comfortable putting an experimental product in her young boy’s developing bodies. Unfortunately, because of this decision Hannah’s family was not included in many family gatherings and faced a lot of ridicule and judgment. Hannah joined Team Humanity because she felt strongly that the vaccine injured needed their voice elevated, their stories told. She is honored to be fighting for “team purple”.
Lindsay’s family chose a “wait and see” method for the Covid vaccines for multiple reasons. Lindsay has had two heart surgeries in the past and could not find a single scientific study where people with her condition were given the vaccine and had no ill effects. Because of this choice Lindsay and her family were not welcome at a family wedding; and were not supported for making this choice. Lindsay continued to do a lot of research as the vaccines were administered; and found countless scientific reports about adverse events following vaccination. She was shocked that the media was not warning people about these adverse events and calling for further investigations. She felt like her friends, family and neighbors were not receiving informed consent. Lindsay became quite angry which is not in her nature. In the fall of 2021 she visited St Augustine Florida for the first time and on a tour heard a famous St Augustine quote.
“Hope has two beautiful daughters.
Their names are anger and courage:
Anger at the way things are and
Courage to see that they do not
Remain the way they are.”
Lindsay felt like God was calling her to turn her anger into courage and start doing something for those who were injured. Once she found Team Humanity she knew she found the perfect outlet. She loves that Team Humanity is not a political organization. Truly its main mission is to bring more compassion into the world.
Lindsay crossed the finish line with Joanna, a friend who was injured and is featured in our Substack. Joanna’s injury just didn’t affect Joanna, it affected all of the students she was helping. Students that needed assistance with completing their GED and finding sustainable employment and future plans. When Joanna was injured all of these young people lost their hope as well.
Jodie has an adult child born with spina bifida. Jodie studied the vaccine data and knew there was no research or testing on pre-existing conditions like spina bifida. By the summer of 2021, there was immense pressure for those who were immunocompromised to get vaccinated. Sadly, her child got vaccinated without Jodie's knowledge and had an almost immediate multi-system reaction. For months they were in and out of the hospital trying to understand what up-ended a previously stable condition. When they weren't at the hospital they were at home, isolated. Her child's colon was unable to function, as it previously had been, in a predictable pattern. This caused embarrassing disruptions to the normal routine and impacted her child's ability to work and complete an entire shift. Jodie is on call should an issue arise.
Running the triathlon was very emotional for Jodie. After years advocating for her child, she wants people to know that "one size fits all" is never true in healthcare. We need to discuss risks, as well as benefits, and allow people to opt out without shame. Jodie finished the triathlon with Nicole-two new friends holding hands, sharing their pain, their sorrow, their stories.
Our friend, Kristie, shared with us a poem when we wrote her story. As you read it think about all of the little whispers, the cries for help, the ones who listened, the ones who immersed themselves in others’ suffering, the unconditional love that is Team Humanity.
Tell your story.
Shout it. Write it.
Whisper if if you have to.
But tell it.
Some won’t understand it.
Some will outright reject it.
But many will thank you for it.
And then the most magical thing will happen.
One by one, voices will start whispering, ‘Me too.’
And your tribe will gather.
And you will never feel alone again.
By L.R. Knost
Team Humanity’s tribe is participating in the YWCA triathlon again this August. We would love for you to participate in the triathlon or cheer us on at one of Minnesota’s 10,000 lakes, Lake Nokomis, in the heart of Minneapolis and St Paul.
You can connect with us at
What an amazing group of women! This is how you change the narrative. Come together in love.
"Hope has two beautiful daughters.
Their names are anger and courage:
Anger at the way things are and
Courage to see that they do not
Remain the way they are.”
Of course St Augustine captured that thought better, but I've been feeling much the same these past years: equal parts love and rage. Thanks for the reminder that they're daughters of HOPE.
MN TH is inspiring! I'm so glad you have each other in a tangible way, and also that you share your community via substack. Virtual hugs to all of you.