Jul 1Liked by Suzanna Newell

Reading this makes me very sad.

It’s bad enough to endure such serious injuries but then have to hear such thoughtless, insensitive comments increases the pain and isolation.

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It is sad. I don't think people realize how hurtful these comments can be. Thank you for your support.

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Liked by Suzanna Newell

I’m sorry you even had to write this.

We on the questioning side all were hurt when the vaxed crazies on SM and late night TV hoped we would die at the curb, not get treated or hospital beds, our President screamed with red lights and Marines behind him to exclude us, shun us, mock us, mandate us, and fire us. The vaccinated cult wanted us to be excluded from food stores, teachers not to teach our kiddos, doctors wouldn’t deliver babies or give transplanted organs to unvaccinated. And yet here we are behaving the same way. 😕

We ALL really need to examine our behavior and look at our own actions when we complain about why our societies and communities are in turmoil. Then we need to ALL get together and demand accountability from the real culprits. Focusing on the creators of this whole awful travesty instead of hurting each other.

I hope this gentleman can be healed physically and emotionally will join us as we seek accountability from the low folks in high places.

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Team Humanity is about coming together in the middle to see that nothing gets solved when we are pitted against each other. We need to understand that everyone suffered some sort of trauma and isolation during the pandemic. I am so sorry to hear about your experience. I could see it when I landed in the middle between those who believed vaccines were the only way and those who believed they were not. I agree with you that we all need get together. It is the only way.

Shaun's story was in the New York Times. He is an amazing advocate for those who suffered reactions.

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Jul 2Liked by Suzanna Newell, Shaun Barcavage, FNP-BC

Thank you for sharing and know it's not always easy. You shouldn't have to try and convince others. If only, they would listen, put themselves in your shoes, and be compassionate.

I remember feeling similar feelings after my healthy, not depressed husband died of Zoloft induced suicide, 5 weeks after being given antidepressants for insomnia. The doctors, FDA, media, and the public rolled their eyes, quickly discounted as a grieving widow looking for excuses and said things like "he must have been depressed." Despite helping get blackbox warnings added, twenty years later, there are those who still hold these beliefs. Sometimes, it is hard for people to look into the mirror of "uncomfortable truth."

I believe you. I see you. I stand with you and the other injured.

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Kim, you having walked this walk 20 years before, advocating for those who do have reactions, has helped give me the courage and strength to do the same. The only easy part about it is telling the truth. That is easy. It doesn't take any effort to tell the truth. The hard part is exactly as you described it, it's the eye rolling and excuses because people don't want to believe something that can help some can also harm and/or kill others. It's your 100% if it happens to you, you always say and I live that everyday. We need people to soften toward our uncomfortable truths and I will continue to advocate until I see more people showing empathy. Thank you for yours and I am so very sorry about your loss.

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Jul 1Liked by Suzanna Newell

I'm so sorry. I am so thankful for you and all you have done to help my vaccine injured friends.

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Thank you as well. YOU are an amazing angel for those suffered reactions.

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Your journey has been so long. I hope that this post will help all of us be more careful with our words. I always read/listen to whatever you publish Shaun bc your POV is very distinct and important. God bless you.

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Shaun is an amazing advocate for the vaccine injured. I am lucky to have him as a friend.

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Why did you take the vaccine?

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You are far too kind. Some unintentionally inconsiderate and other comments are entirely and incompetently inaccurate. Lives were not saved. And the NY nerve guy obviously didn’t read Pfizers preliminaries nor even note how many new small fiber or other new and randomly changing or migrating neuropathies he found soon after rollouts. Yes the highly inflammatory jab effects age everyone, easily seen in ‘21. I watched you on RJs 2nd Opinion. I hope you are healing and have looked outside of MSMedicine.

I wrote to warn, tell truth, and honor the fallen and injured, detailing my own ppls reactions as just one PCP and have sold in 15 nations. If docs still want to use ‘coincidence’, they are truly blinded and likely bribed. And cowards. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0BYMMW3QM/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?ie=UTF8&dib_tag=se&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.M86xAoCnd_VT-MDKp7RcW15YnPOFCgxXfQVeqqZEl0QfgRWgNf8XEXj43l3lGnhbVVzSQkGsDg0QZgnONFApDg.-B6q9OxSgYkHH2TaYi-brcsmR4YGu-SID1T3CR1LQxc&qid=1719887590&sr=8-1

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I got angry early on when I posted on social media about the harms of the shots and one of my friends (who is also a Biden supporter, so that explains a lot) responded, "I got all my shots and I'm fine!"

And then there was this gem, sent via email by a seminary representative, mocking students who were unsure about taking the shots. "I have been fully vaccinated at this point and things are going well. On a positive note, I have started to regrow hair on my head, although it is a glow in the dark green color. I have also found that wearing wide shoes for my right foot accommodates the extra toe that I have grown. Google tells me this is all temporary, so there really isn’t anything to worry about. Also, the good news is that by the end of the writing of this email, all of those side effects I mentioned above have already disappeared and were probably just a figment of my imagination." One of the professors at this particular seminary is now suffering from glioblastoma, which was diagnosed shortly after he got a booster shot last fall. I am brokenhearted as I read the many stories like Shaun's. I am doing what I can to draw attention to the many adverse events caused by the shots. I have considered writing to the author of the above statement, but it would probably be a wasted effort.

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Curious, what seminary? I grieve the mass lack of discernment. I wrote the book shared 👇 below and contemplate writing to churches/ seminaries. He, and the billions, were deceived as the Word warns in Revelation 18:23. The nations were deceived by their sorceries. Root word for sorcery is pharmakeia.. pharmaceuticals, magic arts, potions, spells.

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It was Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest, NC. To my knowledge, they did not mandate the shots, just strongly urged them. The federal government was threatening large fines if they didn't fall in line. Some students were required to go on international mission trips and the shots were required for travel. In addition, the International Mission Board required that missionaries and their children age 16 and up be jabbed. I wrote to that organization and expressed my concern. They assured me their doctors knew best. Safe and effective, you know.

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Yeah that part of the country quite gullibly blinded in naiveté. Thanks. Shameful illiteracy. Take care my fellow Jeremiah. 😊

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